Ajankohtaista: Tulevia tapahtumia

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The Federation of Finland-Israel Associations with its 8 active chapters around Finland is the largest traditional Israel-friendship association in Finland. Since its inception in 1954, the Federation has dedicated to promoting Israel and her society including culture, education, tourism, science & technology, business, religion etc.

The Federation publishes a quarterly magazine ”Jedidut” (friendship) and is producing monthly TV programs Miksi juuri Israel (Why just Israel) since autumn 2021 for AlfaTV, a nationwide channel reaching every home in Finland.

The Federation is politically non-partisan and non-religious.

K.-A. Fagerholm Award – Pro Israel award since 2022

In 2018 the Federation founded the K.-A. Fagerholm Award, according to the founder and first chairman (1954-1976) of the Finland-Israel Association, Karl-August Fagerholm. Mr. Fagerholm was one of the leading social-democratic politicians in 1930-1966, and served three times as Finland’s prime minister and as the Speaker of the Parliament for 16 years.

For further information on Mr. Fagerholm, please see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-August_Fagerholm

1st award 2018: Mr. Peter Östman

Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Associations, and MP Peter Östman, the recipient of the first K.-A. Fagerholm Award in the Parliament of Finland on Nov. 28, 2018.

The first recipient of the K.-A. Fagerholm Award was Mr. Peter Östman, MP and the Chair of the Israel friendship group of the Parliament of Finland who received the award in a ceremony held at the Parliament of Finland on Nov. 28, 2018.

You can watch the K.-A. Fagerholm Award Ceremony 2018 (mainly in Finnish) at https://youtu.be/NOycu6q-u7A

2nd Award 2020: Mr. Mika Niikko

The second K.-A. Fagerholm Award was presented to Mr. Mika Niikko, MP and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in an event also celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Finnish-Israeli Diplomatic Relations on Nov. 18, 2020 at the National Archives of Finland.

You can watch the K.-A. Fagerholm Award Ceremony and the celebration of the Finnish-Israel diplomatic relations (mainly in Finnish) at https://youtu.be/9f-6jlzq2xA

In the photo (from left): Mr. Risto Huvila Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Associations, the Fagerholm Award laureate Mr. Mika Niikko MP & Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Ms. Aurora Chiccarese great granddaughter, Ms. Tea Kekkonen granddaughter of K.-A. Fagerholm, Dr. Jussi Nuorteva Director General of the National Archives, H.E. Hagit Ben-Yaakov Ambassador of Israel, Ms. Leena-Kaisa Mikkola Director General of the Department for Africa and the Middle East at MFA and former Ambassador of Finland to Israel.

3rd Award 2022: Mr. Tomas Sandell

A third award, now rebranded as The Pro Israel award was given to Mr. Tomas Sandell, the founding director of the European Coalition for Israel. The award was presented by Mr. Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Federation in May 10, 2022, in an event celebrating the 74th independence day of Israel in the Balder Hall in Helsinki in the presence of H.E. Hagit Ben-Yaakov, Ambassador of Israel, other diplomats, politicians and friends of Israel. Watch the video (mainly in Finnish) from the ceremony here. The acceptance speech (in English) of Tomas Sandell can be watched here here.

The award was presented to Mr. Tomas Sandell by Mr. Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Federation.

From left: MP Wille Rydman, MP Sari Tanus, MP Antero Laukkanen, DCM of the Embassy of Israel Iris Malka, Ambassador of Egypt Ibrahim Haitham, Ambassador of Morocco Mohamed Achgalou, DCM of the Embassy of Poland Marcin Tatarzyński, Ambassador of Germany Konrad Arz von Straussenburg, MP Peter Östman, Ambassador of Auistria Maximilian Hennig, Pro Israel Award winner Tomas Sandell, Ambassador of Israel Hagit Ben-Yaakov, Ambassador of the United States of America Douglas T. Hickey, Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Associations Risto Huvila and Honorary Consul of Israel  Fredrik Ekholm. Photo Eero Antturi.

Please contact:

Mr. Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Board
risto@truman.fi, tel. +358 400 755 661

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