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Seminar marking UN resolution 181 Nov. 29

Registration for the Seminar marking the 75th anniversary of the UN Resolution 181 on the Partition of the Mandate of Palestine

Registration for the Seminar marking the 75th anniversary of the UN Resolution 181 on the Partition of the Mandate of Palestine

On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 calling for the partition of Mandatory Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. In the seminar, answers are sought on what situations led to the adoption of the resolution and what actually was decided in it. The speakers of the seminar are:

  • H.E. Hagit Ben-Yaakov, Ambassador of Israel
  • H.E. Douglas T. Hickey, Ambassador of the United States of America
  • H.E. Georges de La Roche, Ambassador of Guatemala
  • Mr. Peter Östman, MP and Chairman of the Israel Friendship Group in the Parliament of Finland
  • Mr. Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Federation of Finland-Israel Associations

Date & time: Tuesday Nov. 29, 2022 at 16:30-18:00
Venue: Parliament of Finland, F-auditorium (Pikkuparlamentti, Arkadiankatu 3)

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